Thursday, April 28, 2011

Departure Day

Well, it's 2:30 am and I am up getting ready for the trip. American Airlines told me that if wanted to ensure that Becca and I sit together that I need to be there at 4:00 am when the ticket counter opened or pay 25 - 35 bucks a seat at a kiosk to make that happen. I find this so absurd that I have no words to describe it. So we are up and packed and getting ready to leave at 3:30 for our 8:40 flight just to make sure that the seats that were booked and paid for are together. Of course, when the people who arranged our flight talked to me, I told them it was the only thing that was important to me as I am quite a mess if I'm not seated next to my travel companion. They assured me that they would make that happen. And yet, here I am, up at 2:30 am, having to attempt to make it happen for myself. I will never, ever fly American Airlines if I am in control of my travel arrangements myself! When you win trips, it isn't entirely under your control, but I'll certainly tell them my preferences. However, once we are past this, we have a lot of great things to look forward to!

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