Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Airport

Well, we are at the airport. We went to the check in desk only for them to tell us that they "couldn't" assign us seats, we had to wait until the gate personnel arrived and THEY could do it. I find it amazing that there are so many American Airline employees who don't have authority to perform simple customer service. And although I don't mind outsourcing to India as much as some people, I think if your business name is AMERICAN airlines, you shouldn't have people answering your phones with such thick accents that they can't be understood. Literally, when I called to work out this seat assignment issue, I had to call back twice because I could not understand the people who answered the phone. But anyway, we got our boarding passes, waited for the gate guy to get here and approached him. He complained that he had to do this simple task because he "wasn't even working that flight", but he did get us seats together, so I'll shut up and be grateful for that.

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